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Supervisory Board

HTM Avenio wit-rood op het Korte Voorhout
Udo Groen Bestuurslid HTM

Udo Groen


Udo Groen is chairman of the Supervisory Board of HTM Personenvervoer N.V.

Udo was appointed on 12 October 2015 and reappointed on 20 November 2019. He is supervisor and member of supervisory boards professionally.

Peter Dijk


Peter Dijk is a member of the Supervisory Board of HTM Personenvervoer N.V.

Peter was appointed on 20 May 2022. He is a Board Member of NRG|Pallas and Programme Director at Pallas nuclear reactor Petten. Previously, his positions included Programme Director Arcadis, General Director Metro and Tram, Municipality of Amsterdam and General Director Service North-South Line at the Municipality of Amsterdam.

Peter Dijk Bestuurslid HTM
Sandra Spek Bestuurslid HTM

Sandra Spek


Sandra Spek is a member of the Supervisory Board of HTM Personenvervoer N.V.

Sandra was appointed on 21 March 2017 and reappointed on 26 May 2021. She is General Manager at Baker & McKenzie N.V. Previously, she was CFO of healthcare institution Careyn and held various management positions within Achmea.

Sjoerd Blüm


Sjoerd Blüm is a member of the Supervisory Board of HTM Personenvervoer N.V.

Sjoerd was appointed on 20 May 2022. He is Business Developer Aviation Solutions at Royal Schiphol Group and was previously Chief Information Officer at Royal Schiphol Group and CISO/Head of IT Security NN Group.

Sjoerd Blum Bestuurslid HTM